When you have completed sign up we will be in touch to let you know how long the wait is. Rest assured by making payment you will have a space secured on a future course.
This helps us identify you from conversations we have had on our Instagram!
If you are not UK based, you will be ineligible for our Kickstarter. Please do not proceed.
Please note: if your answer is "No" and you continue to sign up and pay, you will automatically be refunded and won't be placed on a kickstarter course.
Please note: If you have opened several of the accounts listed above, it is unlikely we will be able to offer you a place on the kickstarter. We use a set of bookmakers and if we can't utilise these, you will not make the same profit or get the full BYB kickstarter experience.
BYB pay referral fees as a thank you to our customers. Naming them here will ensure they receive their payment.
Price: £15.00
This page is insecure. Credit Card field should be used for testing purposes only.
Prior to completing payment, please sign up to Discord. You can do this at https://discord.com/ or you can download the Discord app to your phone on the app store (recommended). By supplying your username we can link your payment to your user when you join the BYB server.