Reload Group Subscription

The Reload Group subscription provides ongoing matched betting opportunities and support:
  • Bet & Get offers: Similar to welcome offers, but with some differences. We provide detailed instructions on how to profit from these offers, allowing you to build your bank.
  • Boosts: Bookmakers offer special prices on specific markets, and we show you how to profit when the bookie odds are higher than the exchange odds. You can choose between Standard Lay or Underlay methods to maximize profit.
  • Refunds: Refund offers are primarily available on horse racing. You receive a free bet or cash refund if a certain scenario occurs. We guide you on how to take advantage of these opportunities.
  • Risk-Free bets: Similar to Bet & Get offers, but you only receive the free bet if your initial bet loses. We provide strategies for laying these bets using the Risk Free calculator or utilizing Advantage Play techniques.
Cost: £20 per month

Matched Betting Kickstarter

The Matched Betting Kickstarter is designed for beginners to kickstart their matched betting journey:
  • Step-by-step guidance through welcome offers: We walk you through the process of signing up with specific bookmakers and provide detailed instructions on how to place the necessary bets to unlock their welcome offers.
  • Building betting knowledge and confidence: Our admin team offers patient support and explanations, helping you understand the concepts and strategies behind matched betting. You’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to continue on your own.
  • Achieving £200 profit in approximately 30 days: Our structured approach and guidance enable you to generate £200 in matched betting profits within the first month, capitalizing on bookmaker welcome offers.
Cost: £60 (£30 to secure your place, £30 on course completion and paid from your profit.)